Tuesday, December 20, 2011

DIY fabric rosette 
these fabric rosettes are so pretty and easy! they are a perfect way to decorate or accessorize something, and they take practically no time to make! 
you are going to need felt, a long strip of fabric, a hot glue gun, and scissors. 
hot glue one end of your fabric strip to your felt. begin to twist your fabric and hot glue to your felt. the tighter you twist your fabric, the smaller your rosette. once you've reached the size of rosette you desired, hot glue the end of your fabric to the felt. 
than cut your felt around your rosette, making sure that you cant see any felt on the sides. i grabbed a headband and hot glued it to the back of my rosette. than cut out another piece of felt and  hot glue it on top of your headband and back of your rosette, this will add security to your pretty headband, so that like love, it will last forever! 
P.S. these make great gifts for the holidays! as stocking stuffers or as a little pretty accessory for yourself! enjoy! xoxo 

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